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T.E.A.M. Therapy with Adults

Developed by Dr. David Burns, M.D at Stanford University

T.E.A.M. is a cutting-edge psychotherapy for the treatment of depression, anxiety, troubled relationships, habits/addiction and more. It draws heavily on the techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This approach focuses on rapid change to bring about the results you desire. 

  • Testing: Rapid, reliable diagnosis and session-by-session assessment of both symptoms and therapeutic relationship

  • Empathy: Accurate, compassionate understanding of your unique problem or situation

  • Agenda Setting: Pinpoint resistance, boost motivation, figure out what is getting in the way of change

  • Methods: Cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, psychodynamic, cognitive


T.E.A.M. Therapy was developed for use with adults but has been successfully adapted for use with patients of all ages.  When working with children and adolescents, I incorporate T.E.A.M. therapy into other developmentally-appropriate approaches to treatment.


Therapy With Children

My approach stems from the understanding that children are not small adults and that a child’s treatment should be tailored by a therapist who understands the significance of development, cognitive abilities, and family systems on their daily functioning. While in most cases I utilize a Cognitive Behavioral approach to treatment, I understand that the most important factor for change and progress is the relationship between the child and their therapist. In my practice, clients will find a safe and supportive environment, one in which their therapist is attuned to their unique needs and family structure. My priority is to keenly understand what each patient needs to enable them to be successful in treatment. The major differenece in how I do therapy with children verses other age groups is how much I involve the family. Parental involvement is a key ingredient for success. 


Therapy With Adolescents And Young Adults

I love working with this population and find it extremely rewarding. In order to be most successful working with this age demographic, confidentiality is extremely important. I respect adolescents' and young adults' desire for autonomy, exploration, and self-exploration. I've had great success working helping adolescents and young adults overcome anxiety, depression, social anxiety, shyness, life transitions, drug/alcohol abuse, and OCD. We can make significant progress IF the adolescent/young adult perceives themselves as wanting to make a change.


Intensive Treatment
  • Intensive treatment is suitable for a wide variety of patients including patients that want quick and profound change, as well as patients that have unsuccessfully tried long-term therapy that has been resistant to change.

  • We meet 3-4 hours a day daily for the course of 1 week or several days a week for a up to a month or more.

  • Intensive therapy provides more frequent concentrated doses of therapy by combining multiple sessions into one longer session. It is the optimal use of therapeutic time.

  • You work hard in between each session, reading, doing homework, and working on overall self-care.

  • You will learn the skills to change the way you think and feel. You will gain the necessary skills to live a life of freedom, with happiness and joy.

  • Intensive patients often report rapid achievement of therapeutic goals with lasting skills and knowledge about how to sustain their gains.

  • Clients fly and drive in from all different areas to work intensely on a problem and bring about rapid and profound change.


© 2019 by Taylor Chesney, Psy.D.

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