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T.E.A.M. Therapy Training in New York City And Beyond
Dr. Chesney leads a weekly T.E.A.M. Therapy Training group for therapists in New York City. It is open to all mental health professionals (and professionals in related fields).
When: Mondays, 12:00 - 1:30PM
Location: Dr. Chesney's Office
(341 E. 79th St., Suite 302, Corner of 79th St. & 1st Ave., NY, NY 10075)
Cost: $150/month for month-by-month committment, $125/month for a 3-month committment, $100/month for a 6-month committment
Started in April 2016, Dr. Chesney offers a recurring 12-week online therapist training group focused on utilizing TEAM-CBT with children and adolescents. This training group is offered in association with the Feeling Good Institute. Click the button for details and to sign up!
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